People’s Leasing ranked the “Best Non-Bank Finance Company” brand in Brand Finance Index 2019
People’s Leasing the leading non-bank finance company in Sri Lanka was ranked as the best non-bank finance company in Sri Lanka in the ‘Brand Finance Index – 2019’ for the second consecutive year and was also ranked as the ‘Most Loved Brand’ in the Financial Service sector.

Brand Finance Index rates most valuable and strongest brands in Sri Lanka in LMD’s Brands Annual Magazine. Brand Finance Lanka is the pioneering brand valuation firm in Sri Lanka released Brands annually.
Brand Finance Lanka has done brand ratings on People’s Leasing, taking into consideration the company’s achievement of brand value of 8.7 billion LKR and its AA credit ratings in 2019. Further, Brand Finance has endorsed People’s Leasing as a finance company that offers diverse financial solutions under one roof and as a company with a strong and loyal customer base.

Brand Finance has further endorsed People’s Leasing as a company that has a blend of State sector credibility and Private sector efficiency that gives the strength to have an edge over other finance companies in Sri Lanka.
The 100 Most Valuable and Strongest Brands are determined by the data collected by an independent marketing research company and with the finance and non-finance information on listed companies publicized by the Colombo Stock Exchange.

Brand Finance Lanka that probes into finding values and robustness of Sri Lankan brands has its head office in London which has presence via a network of branches in many countries including Sri Lanka.
Brand Finance Company’s managing director Richard Haig pronouncing People’s Leasing as Sri Lanka’s best non-bank finance company at ‘Brand Finance Awards – 2019’ said, “PLC has established brand loyalty amongst its customers by having a strong island wide branch network and by providing diverse financial services in a customer-friendly and hassle free manner”.
Mr. Laksanda Gunawardene, Deputy General Manager (Marketing) of People’s Leasing speaking on, PLC becoming the most preferred non-bank finance company in Sri Lanka in the Brand Finance index said, Brand Finance Lanka is the foremost rating company for brands in Sri Lanka.

“Brand Finance Lanka endorsed PLC as the most preferred non-bank finance company in Sri Lanka twice in a row; in other words endorsing the credibility of PLC’s services for the public awareness. This endorsement has exposed the loyalty of our customers towards PLC and its services. Hence our customers can be happy for taking a wise decision to retain with PLC for their diverse financial needs”, he said.