Corporate Information

Established: 1995

Quoted Date : 2011-11-24

Financial Year Ends : 31st March

Sector : Banks Finance & Insurance

Chairman : Mr. Pradeep Amirthanayagam (Independent Non-Executive Chairman)

Registered Number : PB 647 PQ

Registered Office : 1161, Maradana Road, Colombo 08. Sri Lanka


Auditor General
National Audit Office
No.306/72, Polduwa Road,
Tel: +9411288702834 / Fax: + 94112887223



Board of Directors

  • Mr. Michael Pradeep Amirthanayagam (Chairman/ Non Independent Non-Executive Director)
  • Mr. Rohan Pathirage (Non- Executive, Non- Independent Director)
  • Mr. Chanura J. Wijetillake (Non- Executive, Independent Director)
  • Mr. U.L. Asoka Wickramasinghe Bandara (Non- Executive, Independent Director)
  • Mr. Clive Fonseka (Non- Executive, Non-Independent Director)
  • Mr. Azzam A. Ahamat (Non- Executive, Non- Independent Director)
  • Mr. Y. Kanagasabai (Senior Independent Director/ Non- Executive, Independent Director)
  • Mr. T. M. Wellalage (Non-Executive Non-Independent Director)


Ms.Shaalini Silva – Company Secretary
People’s Leasing & Finance PLC
No.1161, Maradana Road, Borella, Sri Lanka
Tel: +94112631103 / Fax: +94112631109 / Email:

Corporate Governance Framework

A comprehensive corporate governance framework including well defined governance structures
provides the foundation for People’s Leasing to meet its statutory and regulatory requirements and to
promote accountability,

Regulatory RequirementsInternal FrameworksVoluntary Codes and Best
Finance Business Act No.42 of
Vision Mission and Corporate
Code of Best Practice on
Corporate Governance issued by
the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of Sri Lanka.
Companies Act No7 of 2007Articles of Association
Corporate Governance Charter/
Board Charter
GRI Standards issued by the
Global Reporting Initiative.
Listing rules of Colombo Stock
Board-approved TOR of Board
IR Framework issued by lIRC.
Finance Business Act No. 05 of
2021 on Corporate Governance
Code of Business Conduct and
ISO 27001 information security
system Standards.
The Anti-Money Laundering
Laws and Regulations and
Financial Transaction Reporting
Act No. 6of 2006 and its
Board-approved policy
frameworks for governance, risk
and operational areas including
HR, IT security and data privacy
UNGC Sustainability Principles.
The Securities and Exchange
Commission pf Sri Lanka Act
No 36ot 1987 and its
Whistleblower protection Policy
Internal control procedures and
ILO Convention for Social and
Labour, issues inducing Human
The Inland Revenue Act No. 24
of 2017 and its amendments
Anti-money laundering/KYC
Sustainable Development Goals
The Shop and Office Employees
Act No. 19 of 1954and its
Corporate Communication
The Sri Lanka Accounting and
Auditing Standards Act NO. 15
of 1995
All other applicable regulations

Our commitment to good governance practices ensures we generate value for stakeholders, including
shareholders, customers, staff, and the general public, while securing their trust. The Board of Directors
is dedicated to promoting and implementing strong corporate governance policies, along with a
comprehensive Code of Conduct and business ethics.

In accordance with Section 9 of the Listing Rules of the Colombo Stock Exchange on Corporate
Governance, we are committed to transparency regarding our policies. We disclose the existence of the
below policies by the Company.

  • Policy on the matters relating to the Board of Directors
  • Policy on Board Committee
  • Policy on Corporate Governance, Nominations and Re-election
  • Policy on Remuneration
  • Policy on Internal Code of Business conduct and Ethics for all Directors and employees, including
  • policies on trading in the Entity’s listed securities
  • Policy on Risk management and Internal controls
  • Policy on Relations with Shareholders and Investors
  • Policy on Environmental, Social and Governance Sustainability
  • Policy on Control and Management of Company Assets and Shareholder Investments
  • Policy on Corporate Disclosures
  • Policy on Whistleblowing
  • Policy on Anti-Bribery and Corruption

Finance Business License : Download/View

Company Holidays : Download/View