Board of Directors

People's Leasing & Finance PLC: The Trusted Leader

Mr. Michael Pradeep Amirthanayagam

Mr. Michael Pradeep Amirthanayagam has been appointed as the Independent Non-Executive Chairman of the People’s Leasing and Finance PLC with effect from 12 September.

He was appointed to the Board of People’s Leasing & Finance PLC as an Independent Non-Executive Director on the 15th of July 2022.

On previous occasion he had served on the Board of People’s Leasing as the Deputy Chairman from 2015-2019 and briefly as the Chairman in 2019/2020. He had also been a Director of the Lankan Alliance Finance Ltd in Bangladesh.

Mr. Amirthanayagam is a Fellow Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (UK) and an Associate Member of Trinity College of Music, UK in Speech and Drama. Mr. Amirthanayagam is also a media icon. He was a News Presenter for Rupavahini, ITN and SLBC media networks. He was also an Interviewer and a Cricket Commentator. He also had the distinction of having trained at “Bush House”, the Headquarters of BBC in London.

He was the 50th President of the Rotary Club of Colombo West and he was awarded the “Rotarian of the Year” in 2012. He is the Vice President of the Society for the Uplift and Rehabilitation of Leprosy Affected Persons (SUROL) and he is a Director of the Anura Bandaranaike Foundation.

Ms. Coralie Pietersz

Ms. M. C. Pietersz is an associate member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants inEngland and Wales and a fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of SriLanka. She holds a B.Sc (Honours) degree in Physics from the University of Sussex andan MBA from Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. Ms. Coralie Pietersz is the FinanceDirector of Finlays Colombo Limited, Hapugastenne Plantations PLC and UdapussellawaPlantations PLC. She serves as an Independent Director on the Board of Seylan Bank PLCand Bogala Graphite Lanka PLC. She is a member of the Council of the Institute ofChartered Accountants of Sri Lanka.

Mr. Chanura J. Wijetillake

Mr. Chanura J. Wijetillake has over 35 years experience in the Banking Sector, out of which a total of 14 years in the Senior Management & the Corporate Management at the Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC, covering the areas of Lending , Compliance & Branch Administration.

He has been instrumental in implementing a Risk-based Compliance Frame Work and Risk based Compliance Audit System at the Bank. He has also successfully developed & executed strategies to maximize the sales & profit growth in 02 large Regions of the Bank for over 5 years.

He has been a member of the Bank's Internal Resource faculty for its training programmes conducted for Branch Managers & the Credit Officers on Lending.

Mr. Wijetillake is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Bankers – Sri Lanka & also an Associate Member of the International Professional Managers Association (UK). He has also obtained his Diploma in Management from ICFAI University, India.

He has represented the bank & participated in several Training Programs in Singapore, Bangladesh, China & Germany during his long career at the Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC.

He has also functioned as the Assistant General Manager - Compliance at Softlogic Finance PLC for a while after his retirement from Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC.

Mr. U.L. Asoka Wickramasinghe Bandara

Mr. U.L. Asoka Wickramasinghe Bandara has over 30 years of expertise in demand generation function and business development in MNC's and leading local corporates. He has been a MANCOM member of Nestle Lanka PLC and Group Managing Director of Delmege Forsyth Group of companies and currently operates management consultancy services for leading local conglomerates. His core competencies include building of branded businesses and development of commercial teams. As a Trainer, he specializes on developing team leadership and personality development and imparts his knowledge via MBA teaching on topics i.e. leadership, strategic management and advanced marketing and sales management. He also acts as a key negotiator by leveraging his issue management skills for leading Industry bodies vs key stakeholders.

Mr. Clive Fonseka

Mr. Clive Fonseka is a fellow of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka and holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Postgraduate Institute of Management of University of Sri Jayewardenepura. He has received a Distinction for the ACI Dealing Certificate and counts more than 26 years experience in Treasury Management. He is also a Certified Member (CMA) of the Institute of Certified Management Accountants of Australia. He was appointed as the President of the Association of Primary Dealers in July 2018 and acts in this position at present. He is a member of National Payment Council and Financial System Stability Consultative Committees of Central Bank of Sri Lanka. Furthermore he has acted as a Chief Examiner for Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka’s IABF/DABF Examinations.

He joined People’s Bank in 2002, prior to which he served at American Express Bank and Standard Chartered Bank. He has been a member of People’s Bank’s senior corporate management team from November 2011.He joined People’s Bank in 2002, prior to which he served at American Express Bank and Standard Chartered Bank. He has been a member of People’s Bank’s senior corporate management team from November 2011.

Mr. Azzam A. Ahamat

Mr. Ahamat joined People’s Bank as Head of Finance on January 3, 2017.

He has close to 18 years’ experience both locally and intRanjithernationally across strategic financial management, alternate investments and risk. His prior employers include some of the largest multi-national professional service firms and other tier I service providers across respective market spaces. He is a Fellow Member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (United Kingdom), a Fellow Member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (United Kingdom) and a Fellow Member of the Institute of Certified Management Accountants of Sri Lanka. He is a Technical Specialist of the Institute of Risk Management (United Kingdom), a Certified Practicing Accountant (AUST.) and is a member of the Chartered Institute of Securities & Investment (United Kingdom).

Mr. Rohan Pathirage

Mr. Rohan Pathirage was appointed as Director to the Board on 07th July 2020. An Attorney - at – Law, Mr.Pathirage holds a Law Degree from the University of Colombo and is a Master’s Degree Holder in Bank Management from the Massey University, New Zeala. He is also a holder of a Postgraduate Diploma in Banking.

He counts for over 24 years’ experience across Human Resources, Legal and Administration relating to People’s Bank. Previously as Deputy General Manager - Secretary to the Board of Directors of People’s Bank, a position held from August 2010 up until March 2019, Mr Pathirage provided administrative support to all matters relating to the Bank’s Board of Directors and its various sub committees. During his tenure as Secretary to the Board of Directors of People’s Bank, he has played a key role to facilitate best practices in governance.

Mr. Pathirage is currently the Senior Deputy General Manager (Human Resources and Legal) of People’s Bank.In his current role, he oversees the Bank’s 10,000 plus strong work force and manages its Senior Executive recruitments in line with its HR requirements. In addition, he also leads the Bank’s 70 member legal team. Chairman - People’s Leasing Havelock Properties Limited, Director - People’s Micro Commerce Limited, Director - Lankan Alliance Finance Limited, Bangladesh.

Mr.Y. Kanagasabai

Mr. Yudhishtran Kanagasabai has been appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company with effect from 11th August 2023.

He has also been designated as the Senior Independent Director of the Board. Having qualified as a Chartered Accountant, Mr. Yudhishtran Kanagasabai commenced his career at PricewaterhouseCoopers and retired as its Chief Executive Officer in March 2017. A passion for excellence elevated the profile of the Sri Lankan and the Maldives Practice of the Firm (PricewaterhouseCoopers) to consistently provide quality solutions to clients within appropriate standards and applicable best practices.

Mr. Kanagasabai currently serves as the Chairman of Dankotuwa Porcelain PLC and Taprobane Capital Plus Limited. He is also the Chairman of the Board Audit Committees of Ceylon Tobacco Company PLC, Eswaran Brothers Exports (Private) Limited, Millennium IT ESP (Pvt) Limited and Ambeon Capital PLC, and an Independent Non-Executive Director of Cargills Bank Limited and MainGate (Private) Limited. He is also a Non - Executive Director of Colombo City Holdings PLC.

He was also the Chairman of South Asia Textiles Limited from January 2021 to 31st May 2021, Chairman of the Audit Committee of Union Bank PLC from August 2016 to 31 December 2018, and a Commissioner of the Insurance Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka from May 2018 to November 2018 and from December 2018 to November 2019. He was also a Non-Executive Director of Hunter and Company PLC and Lanka Canneries Limited from 2017 up to 31st March 2022.

He was an Independent Non-Executive Director of Cargills Ceylon PLC and a Non Executive Director of Cargills Food Company Limited until 31st July 2023.